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Playing the Telephone Game

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All About Party Games Michael Casey

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The Telephone game is a popular party game enjoyed by children worldwide.

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🎈Form a circle or line from players

🎈 Choose a phrase to start with

Setting Up

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🎈The first player whispers the message into the ear of the next player

Whisper the Message

🎈 It's important that no one else hears

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🎈 Players pass on the message by whispering

🎈 The game continues until the last player has heard the message

Pass the Message

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🎈 The last player shares the message they received

Reveal the Final Message

🎈 Compare the message with the original one

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🎈 Start a new round

🎈Use a different message


🎈Rotate the players so that a new one can start

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🎈 Do you want to get phrase ideas?

🎈 Do you want to learn more?

That's the basic knowledge of the Telephone game!

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