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Playing King's Cup

Green Flower

All About Party Games Michael Casey

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King's Cup, or Kings or Ring of Fire, is a popular drinking card game typically played at parties.

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Yellow Flower

🎈 A deck of playing cards

🎈 A large cup or glass

Materials Needed

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🎈 The game needs at least 2 players


🎈 Most fun with at least 4 players

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🎈 Arrange the circle of cards around the central cup

🎈 Keep the cards face-down


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🎈 Players sit in a circle


🎈 Players take cards one-by-one

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🎈 The first player takes a card

🎈The player performs an action based on the card's value. For example, if you draw 5 you must drink.


🎈 Game ends when all cards have been drawn

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🎈 Do you want to know card values?

🎈 Do you want to learn more?

That's the basic knowledge of the King's Cup game!

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