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Playing Balloon Pop

Green Flower

All About Party Games Michael Casey

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Balloon Pop is an excellent party game that combines fun with rewards.

Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower

🎈 Balloons

🎈 Small pieces of paper with messages, prizes or tasks

Materials Needed

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🎈 There is no restrictions to number of players


🎈 The most enjoyable with at least 5 players

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🎈 Prepare the pieces of paper

🎈 Insert one piece to each balloon


🎈 Inflate the balloons

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🎈 Players pop the balloons

🎈 If the balloon is popped, the player gets a reward or must complete a task


🎈Can be played as turn-based or randomly

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🎈 The game is usually played till all balloons are popped

Ending the Game

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🎈 Do you want to get ideas for balloon contents?

🎈 Do you want to learn more?

That's the basic knowledge of the Balloon Pop game!

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